Monday, August 12, 2013

About this blog

This blog is to detail all my research about how America is turning into a communist country and how we began our decline into communism. It's time we start having real discussions about communism in America because it is happening here and too many people are not aware of it. Some people are unknowingly pushing for communism and others know what communism is and are beginning to publicly endorse it. The fact that people are OK with this is a very scary thought.

About me: my Grandparents fled Cuba and lost everything they had. From my Mother's side, my Grandfather had his own pharmacy and lived very comfortably before Castro. On my Father's side, my Grandfather was a lawyer for Woolworth in Cuba and also lived very comfortably before castro. My mother's side managed to escape before Castro took control because they were very aware of what was happening. My Father's side managed to escape just as Castro came into power. My mother's side had to leave everything behind in Cuba and Father's side lost everything they had to Castro. Both had to start over in America from the very bottom. From my Father's side, my Aunt and my Dad had to get jobs at an early age to support my Grandparents who could not speak English. These stories are all too common when you speak to Cuban exiles, and yet, most Americans are not aware of the realities of communism and/or endorse it.

For more details about Communism in Cuba, check out my other blog:

I owe everything I have to this great country of ours and I will do everything in my power to fight communism in America.

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